Effective Writing for Business 1
Working in a business environment requires knowledge and awareness of business terminology and expression. Employees should also understand various communication media in a business environment in order to fulfil requirements and expectations of various tasks. Working in a company requires collaboration and effective teamwork, not only to impact on the company output but also to ensure harmonious interpersonal relationships in a work environment. This course examines writing, both in terms of the sender of the information, and how the recipient might receive the message and interpret it. Feedback and emotions are also considerations in a business environment in terms of writing with intent but also for impact. This course is followed by twelve assessments which have been designed to develop students’ business vocabulary.
Effective Writing for Business 2
Effective Writing for Business 1 examines writing in terms of the sender, recipient and emotive impact and feedback. Effective Writing for Business 2 examines the process of writing in terms of register, context and formality. Structure and punctuation are also assessed and how these can impact on tone and thus the message that is being sent. Summary skills are not only important in a business environment but are also necessary to sustain accuracy in succinct communication in general. These skills are explored in detail in this course, as well as appropriate sequencing of writing, which is necessary to communicate a logically developed point of view.
Interactive questions
Business Writing is followed by twelve interactive assessments to enrich participants’ business vocabulary. The words in these vocabulary exercises have been specifically selected to include a comprehensive selection of business jargon, for example, administration, infrastructure and ideology. The use of correct prepositions is also explored as these small words can change the meaning of sentences and thus messages that are communicated and understood. The interactive questions have been designed to include match the columns, multiple choice and even choose the correct word to ensure variety in engagement.
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